Unlock significant savings & efficiency with our real-time weather intelligence.
Trusted by leading airlines and airports worldwide, we empower you with real-time weather insights and decision-support solutions that quantifiably improve efficiency, cut costs, and enhance sustainability.
We proudly serve the majority of leading airlines with impactful winter operations solutions. SureWx is the world’s only provider of regulatory-compliant LWE Holdover Time technology.
Weather presents significant operational challenges year-round. We provide critical insights to airport stakeholders, enabling them to significantly enhance their efficiency.
Discover what Liquid Water Equivalent is, why it’s trusted, who regulates it, and how it delivers significant operational benefits — driving efficiency and sustainability across your operations.
We reduce CO₂ emissions by optimizing de-icing processes. Our LWE technology provides real-time weather intensity insights, which helps airlines eliminate unnecessary de-icing treatments. This leads to fewer emissions by lessening the use of carbon-intensive ADF and aviation fuel while also minimizing glycol runoff. This allows airlines and airports to meet sustainability goals while maintaining safe and efficient operations.Discover LWE Benefits >